Turn your EXCUSES into SUCCESSES ?
I have conversations with clients all the time when they list the reasons why they did not accomplish certain tasks. Most people realize when the words are coming out of their mouth that it is a bunch of excuses, but how do they change it ? I personally believe that some people come out of…
Did you hear the BOOM ?
I often ask my clients if they are hearing the signs their body is giving them ? Some people are in tune with their bodies while others feel they have an alien inside them. The human body is very intelligent and was created to give signs when things are not performing as intended. Some of…
The scale is not very smart……….
Many people use the scale to measure their progress when trying to get healthier, but what does the scale really show ? I recently had the stomach bug and lost 7 lbs in 2 days. At first glance you may think this is a good thing if the scale was the only tool…
What happened ?
As I take a call from a new client this morning it starts with the familiar sentence of ” I stopped doing what I used to do and I don’t know what happened”. When the road of life forces us to make decisions that take us down a different road then it is time to…
What are you willing to do ?
When I speak to potential clients the most common problem is the willingness to make certain changes. These changes vary from not willing to cook or eat vegetables to tracking the food that goes in their mouth. Everyone has their own challenges which is why their personalized plan is unique to their lifestyle. At Back…
Are you leaving money on the table ?
Are you leaving 100’s of dollars on the table every year ??? A large amount of companies offer wellness incentives and HSA accounts to their employees . Most plans are called an HSA, health savings account, which is a tax-advantaged medical savings account available . The funds contributed to an account are not subject…
Life is full of little adjustments.
This week I reached out to a client because I did not receive his details for the week. He told me that his work partner was out of the office and nothing he normally did could happen so he just threw in the towel and was starting over the next week. As I was…
When did food become confusing ?
In the past few weeks I have had multiple conversations with both men and women on the topic of food relationships. When did eating for a healthy body become so confusing ? If you were born in the 60’s and 70’s then you have spent a lifetime being brainwashed with the media on what is…
Midlife Crisis – It’s never late to improve your health
Midlife crisis by definition is an emotional crisis of identity and self-confidence that can occur in early middle age. Most people agree this is the age between 40-55 years of age. Women often struggle to understand what their role is if they have been the primary caregiver and now they are empty nesters.…
Losing weight is not the problem, maintaining it is
If you ask an adult that wants to lose weight if they have been successful at losing weight in the past the answer will be an astounding YES. Most adults are able to stick to a “diet” to lose weight for a set number of weeks or to reach a goal such as a wedding…