Decade Birthdays


What happens when you have one of those special decade birthdays that makes it so impactful ? Most people tend to look BACK at what they achieved which can be both good and bad. If you have checked off all your items and feel very accomplished you may smile and pat yourself on the back for a job well done. On the flip side you may look back and see a variety of unfinished projects, relationship failures, lost jobs, poor health and more that make you sad. I often remind my clients that we can not change the past but we can certainly LEARN from it. As the mother of 2 college students I am often reminding them that failing is part of life. It helps us to understand the path we are meant to take and also the paths we should avoid. Relationship success and flops are something I am finding myself analyzing a lot lately with myself, clients, friends, and family. You often hear the word practice when referring to Medical Practice and Law Practice but it also refers to may other areas in our lives with relationships being a big area that requires a lot of practice. As we get older we value our relationships more and more and devalue the material goods in our lives. We have gone through so many changes in the past 20 years with technology and the big bad COVID that have altered how we communicate with one another and our relationships have paid the price. We have so many different tools to communicate now but we are we getting closer to the people around us or farther away ?

As you look forward at the years to come this can also be very scary and exciting as well. Are you happy with your life or are you sad that it did not turn out the way you envisioned ? Is there doom and gloom lying ahead in sickness and financial problems especially as you enter the later stages of life ? So much of what you have learned from your experiences and what you see ahead is up to YOU. If you don’t like the picture that lies ahead then CHANGE it. You are the driver in your life with lots of passengers along the way. When you are younger you are laying the groundwork to worry less in your 70’s and 80’s. This is a difficult concept for a lot of people to grasp due to our current situation of immediate gratification and the fast pace of technology. The days of pensions are over so people must be more personally responsible to plan for their future. The biggest regret for a lot of people is that they did not take care of their body when they were younger so they could enjoy it when they are older. This applies to overall health from the physical aspect but also to mental health, relationship health, and financial health. Ask someone in their 80’s what is important to them right now and what scares them and you will most likely hear a list of items that fall into one of those health categories.

If you are in your 20’s, 30’s and 40’s start planning for your future by laying the groundwork by saving $$ for your retirement even though it seems far away right now. Focus on your physical and mental health so your body and mind will be able to carry you through the decades to follow. Make time for the people that are important in your life so you will have your tribe beside you as you enter the later years of your life. The last bit of advice is to LEARN. If you fail, get back up and try again. Look at life as a long road with lots of different side streets with some being a great party and others being a road full of pot holes in life. We only get one life so make the most of it.