Seeing the road ahead


If you could clearly see your path ahead would you make changes ? Changing habits consistently is the most difficult task for people to grasp. For the majority of people it is because they don’t get immediate feedback. We live in a time that we are used to getting instant results one way or another. You push a button on the remote control and something happens. The channel changes, the volume goes up or down, etc. The same applies to the phone, computer, car, etc. When you can not SEE anything change it is much more difficult to stay committed. This is one of the main reasons I highly recommend taking pictures on a regular basis. We often rely on the scale way too much as a measure of progress. Taking the approach to LEARN  rather than just FOLLOWING a plan can make a big difference in being successful. Life can be stressful enough, but making changes to improve your overall health and quality of life shouldn’t be. I love helping my clients get the most out of the one life we have been given. Contact me today at [email protected] .