Midlife Crisis – It’s never late to improve your health



Midlife crisis by definition is an emotional crisis of identity and self-confidence that can occur in early middle age. Most people agree this is the age between 40-55 years of age. Women often struggle to understand what their role is if they have been the primary caregiver and now they are empty nesters. Men often reevaluate their career and relationships at this time. The one thing that both sexes typically agree on is that this is a time when their health becomes more important. Your body is going through some normal changes that may be causing problems. Menopause can be the trigger for women where men go through changes typically associated with less muscle mass and more body fat. The habits you had in the past are finally catching up and your body has had enough. Health becomes a priority but where do you start? Many people find themselves 20, 50, 100 + pounds overweight which can be overwhelming. Some people can clearly remember their younger selves as the high school or college athlete with a strong and flexible body. Life hits hard with job responsibilities, family, relocations and even caring for parents. Today’s demanding life with the convenience of technology forces many people to feel like they are on call 24/7.

Getting started is the most difficult part. Checking your ego at the door and being open and honest are the most important tools when embarking on your health journey. What you thought you knew may not be as accurate as you think. As a health coach and personal trainer my job is to be up to date on the most recent studies coming from the medical community. Every person is different so when you read about a program that may have been highly successful for one person but is not working for you, it does not mean you are doing anything wrong, it might not be the right program for you. On the flip side change takes time. If it was easy and fast everybody would be doing it. Anything that requires multiple habit changes will take commitment, consistency, and time. It is never too late to improve your health, so start today.